HME Databank

Provider Locator

PROVIDER LOCATOR lists the address and phone number for every home medical equipment (HME) company location in the United States. The Locator is fast and easy to use, and allows you to search by state, city, zip code and company name. This information is updated annually.

Product Locator Sample:

HME Databank - Provider Locator Sample

The data to drive your business forward!

Subscription Price:
1 year: $995

The HME Databank has the data you need to make knowledgeable decisions and move your business in the right direction. Determine your market share and track competitors with the most comprehensive database of Medicare statistics available.The HME Databank has the most current data available from CMS—2022. You can download Medicare data in two formats, PDF or Excel. This means you can manipulate and sort the data any way you need. Your 12-month subscription gives you unlimited access to this powerful resource.

Downloadable in two formats: Microsoft Excel & Adobe PDF

Brought to you by HME News:HME News covers all the news relevant to home medical equipment providers. Reporting the journalistic perspective on topics ranging from technology, partnerships and market-by-market best practices, HME News is the one source that covers it all-in print and online. Visit

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